Movement for Musicians
Movement is the foundation for all human activity.
Movement is the foundation for all human activity. Performing and visual artists express their art, ephemeral or palpable, with and through their bodily movement.
To play music, sing, or conduct an orchestra are all activities that encompass the whole bodymind.

The conjunction of movement training and mental imagery are a fundamental source for creative and educational development.
The conjunction of movement training and mental imagery are fundamental sources for creative and educational development. Read more here (Spectrum #37, pages 24 – 25).
My Franklin Method lectures and dance classes are designed to contributing to the programmes of growing artists and educators in the field of music and theatre.
The focus of my classes lies on refinement of awareness and reflection on body and movement in order to foster a deeper understanding of movement underlying principles. The aim is to optimise precision and quality of movement, as well as and artistic performance and stage-presence.
Furthermore classes contribute to the development of strategies in overcoming stage fright and performance anxiety.

The aim is to optimise precision and quality of movement, as well as and artistic performance and stage-presence.

Susanne Fromme
von-Sandt Strasse 7
53225 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 40399502
Mob.: +49 (0)179 7642807
Coming up next !
Contemporary Classes in Bonn
Every Thursday evening, I offer a 90-minute contemporary class in Bonn. These classes will run until the beginning of July.
You can book your place directly with Bildungswerk Brotfabrik.
Applying the Franklin Method can be immensely supportive in various areas of movement. In this context, I collaborate with my dear colleague Kai Guzowski. Check out his website, Yogiconcepts, to find excellent yoga classes, several videos on the Franklin Method, and great blog posts.
Professional Development!
14th until 19th of April commences a foundation workshop, "Die Franklin Methode im Beruf", at the beautiful location of Bettenburg, Hofheim. In a peaceful and welcoming environment, we will explore how movement and imagination can guide and support you in your daily professional lives.
There are still some spaces available. Fear not and spoil yourselves.
You can find the dates and register links on the calendar page or by clicking the "View All Courses" button below.
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